Falls in patients on anticoagulants has been a constant concern for quite some time, puzzling physicians on the weight of risks present. For instance, does the risk of adding an anticoagulant outweigh that of the risk of sustaining a fall?
We know that often times fall risk screenings are just a visual observation or assumption that is subjective at best. A fall sustained from a patient who is currently taking anticoagulants can be devastating with complications that often go unseen.
So knowing the fall risk factors present in a patient before anticoagulant treatment is critical. What is also critical is knowing what other options are available that do not involve anticoagulants as an alternative and safe approach to those who have high fall risk factors.
The “CIRCUL8 Pro” is one such solution and pairs perfectly as a much safer alternative to anticoagulation therapy for the high fall risk population. By utilizing this technology, a proactive approach to DVT treatment can be aggressively made while also utilizing the Safe Balance platform to create a risk-mitigation intervention plan to prevent future falls.