Technology that is incorporated into the care delivery in hospitals has reached remarkable levels! It is quite amazing to see the ingenuity and advancements that people and companies have made over the years. Hospital beds and their capabilities are no exception.
A study recently cited highlights that approximately 85% of falls occur in a patient's room, with 79% of falls being unassisted. When examining the key elements of bed technology along with the overwhelming occurrence of falls where beds are stationed, one must think about how an improved and modern bed fleet can assist in fall reductions.
Linet Americas is a leader in the industry and has taken great strides in utilizing technology to assist in the delivery of healthcare in the hospitals they serve. Their trademarked Mobi-Lift technology found on a number of their ICU and Med-Surg products assists staff and patients on early mobility efforts through supporting sit-to-stand transitions with support provided by upper extremities of the patient. Their lateral tilt capability also assists in preparing the patient effortlessly for transitional movements outside of the bed.
When combined with a proprietary program like Safe Balance, Linet's bed technology stands as a complete difference maker into fall prevention practices. In fact, the Safe Balance software engine directly recommends the utilization of certain bed technologies based on results from our comprehensive fall-risk assessment.
Knowing how and why we need to keep our patients safe is critical. However, using every piece of technology at our disposal hand-in-hand and not separately is a key to preventing falls in the hospital.