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Writer's pictureMadeleine Wiscombe

Falls and Lower Limb DVTs

DVTs are a prevalent issue for many, however often times there isn't a clear connection between them and heightened fall risk. If you think about it, it doesn't take much to understand that the two can be closely and inversely related: falls can lead to DVTs and DVTs can lead to falls.

A study examining this relationship brought about some interesting points as it related to a particular case examining "knee buckling" from an 87 year old patient. When examining the case, symptoms and subsequent diagnosis, it was identified that perhaps the patients frequent falls with knee buckling occurred in association with OA and bilateral DVT, as the knee buckling episodes ceased following treatment of the bilateral DVTs.

As healthcare providers, often times it is important to think outside the box of traditional examinations and relationships among symptoms and diagnosis. As DVTs has demonstrated to be a serious concern and complication from various procedures, fall prevention and fall risk assessment should be introduced into the equation as well.

Companies such as Precision Medical Products (PMP) continually provide up-to-date technologies outside of traditional medication to combat DVTs and have even taken the initiative to tackle falls as well with a partnership with Safe Balance. Through the identification of risk process provided by Safe Balance and the solution-minded intervention capabilities of PMP, there is now a direct and focused solution to stopping the cycle and interchangeability associated between DVTs and falls.

Find out more how licensing the Safe Balance technology alongside our partner's solutions can address a multitude of risk factors proactively and focally!


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